A genuine team effort, GO Campaign's Director of Development, Gina Katz brought together Lily Collins and Rachel Miriam to inspire the foster youth of Stepping Forward Los Angeles. What began as a two part workshop quickly evolved into meaningful life lessons, incredible friendships and a project that changed all of our lives forever. Learn about our journey to discover gratitude, friendship and the power to make a difference.
The campus at Vista Del Mar in Los Angeles welcomed Lily with excited foster youth ready and eager to exercise their creativity. During our first workshop, Lily introduced a design activity using thread colors, embroidery examples and free hand artwork to inspire the children. Basing her teachings on past experience, Lily shared what it was like to turn her passion into a career, and the power of teamwork.
The theme of Lily's workshop was Gratitude. When you're in an "attitude of gratitude," you're able to feel good — inevitably putting yourself in a position to take risks, believe in yourself and follow a path that's true to your heart. Lily encouraged the foster youth to fill out their journals in order to work towards their personal goals. Each child was asked to share five things they were grateful for, and five things they wanted to attract into their life. "When you have an attitude of gratitude, you wake up saying Thank you. Gratitude turns what we have into enough." Maya Angelou "What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create." Buddha
While spending time with the foster youth of Stepping Forward Los Angeles, we learned so much about gratitude, friendship and unity. The children cooked, we had a picnic, we shared memories, plans for the future and celebrated the success of our teamwork! Lily introduced the final curated items in our collection which highlight the meaningful gratitude symbols designed and inspired by the foster youth. This collection will now go on to raise awareness and funds for GO Campaign in order to keep making a difference in our local and global communities.
An end to a beautiful, organic and authentic journey with the foster youth of Stepping Forward Los Angeles. Lily Collins wrapped up our time together perfectly by sharing new friends, inspirational speeches, gifts and pride for what will never be forgotten. Tears were shed, minds were empowered and hearts were bursting as we vowed to never stop moving towards our journey of gratitude, friendship and our personal power to make a difference.
JENNIFER HOCHSTADT Our fellow mom-preneur and sensational photographer, Jen. Working with you has been a dream. Thank you for making magic with us. |